Good to know

Planning is half the fun

The excitement of planning a holiday marks the beginning of a time filled with the joy of anticipation. To make sure that you don’t meet with any unexpected surprises when you get here, we have put together a list of important information for you.

General General
  • Visitor’s tax € 3,50
  • Check-in: from 2 to 7 pm; Check out: from 8 to 10 am
  • Methods of payment: Cash, credit card, bank card, bank cheques; We do not accept American Express or Diners Club
  • All rooms are no-smoking
  • Quoted rates are based on Saturday arrival and departure.  
  • In the case of last-minute bookings, we request that you confirm your booking immediately through payment of your deposit by credit card.
  • Single occupancy of double bedroom: 40% surcharge  
  • Don’t want dinner? Let us know the day before. We credit €8 per person if dinner is cancelled in good time. If you do not want breakfast, please let us know the evening before. In this case, we credit €6 per person.
  • A room reservation is confirmed as soon as we receive your deposit!
Cancellation conditions Cancellation conditions

In the case of cancellations:
•    60 days or over before your scheduled date of arrival, no cancellation fees are charged.  
•    Up to 30 days before your scheduled date of arrival, 40 % of your total booking fee is charged.   
•    Up to one week before arrival, 70% of your total booking fee is charged. 
•    From 7 days before your scheduled date of arrival, 90% of your total booking fee is charged. 
•    In the case of late arrivals or early departures, 100% of your total booking fee is charged. 

Children’s discounts Children’s discounts
  • Small children from 0 to 2.99 years old > 85 % discount on booking rates if sleeping in 3rd or 4th bed.
  • Children from 3 to 5.99 years old > 50 % discount on booking rates if sleeping in 3rd or 4th bed.
  • Children from 6 to 9.99 years old > 40 % discount on booking rates if sleeping in 3rd or 4th bed.
  • Children 10 years old and over > 20% discount on booking rates if sleeping in 3rd or 4th bed.
  • If two children sleep in a separate bedroom, the full rate for the room applies.
Dogs Dogs
  • Dogs are accepted only on request.
  • We charge € 30 per day (food not included) for your four-legged friend.
  • Please bring your own blanket and/or basket.
  • Only 1 dog is permitted per room.
  • Dogs are not allowed in the room categories Garden, Edelweiss, Sella, Brunelle Suite and Plattkofel Suite.
  • Dog are not allowed on the sunbathing lawn or in the spa area.   
  • There are tables for guests with dogs in the dining room. These tables must be reserved at the time of booking.
Ski vacation Ski vacation

Here are the key details for a carefree ski vacation.